The best specs in the business

In the lightest and most flexible all-in-one ultrasonic inspection system on the market

The P-Scan Stack System with Phased Array represents a completely new way of thinking when it comes to automated ultrasonic inspection

The ultimate in automated ultrasonic inspection

Developed for operators by operators, the P-Scan Stack System with Phased Array delivers the highest specs of any automated ultrasonic inspection system on the market. As a result, you can perform high precision inspections quickly and accurately – even in the most challenging environments.

With the highest dynamic range and amplitude resolution available, you know you’ll never miss a signal, no matter how high or low the amplitude. The high frequency range and pulser voltage of the Phased Array channels enable you to inspect a wide range of materials, including challenging materials that you couldn’t previously inspect. And, with high data throughput and unlimited data file size, you get faster inspections, no matter how big the test object. All this in the lightest and most robust all-in-one system available.

Combining standard Pulse Echo, TOFD and Phased Array in a highly customisable system that includes an integrated scanner controller and full battery operation, the P-Scan Stack System represents the next step in automated ultrasonic inspection.

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